Custom License Plate


License plates are printed on 6″ X 12″ inch aluminum license plates, so they will not rust. They are a standard size so they will fit any vehicle.

All we need is a digital file you can even get from your phone. We take this file, crop and tweak for you at NO CHARGE, and then place it on the product you wish.

The file size and quality of the picture you send will determine how it will come out on the product. We will always send you a proof before we print and give you any recommendations so you will be happy with the results.

Just email you digital photos to and we will contact you and review the file, be sure to give us your name and phone number to call you. When you email, just add what type of product you would like the image on and we will discuss what we can do to help you and send you a proof how it will look on the product you choose.

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